Deepening Critical Thinking about Facts

Written by L. Michael Hall, Ph.D Posted in L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. on Thursday, 06 January 2022.

From: L. Michael Hall
2021 Neurons #71
November 1, 2021
Fates #2


Just the facts, ma’am, just the facts.
Jack Webb’s Joe Friday of Dragnet

I noted in the last Neurons (#70) that we talk about facts as if they were things and objects, as if they were empirical and sensory-based.  We talk about facts as if a fact will bring a controversy to an end..  “Now here are the facts; case closed.”  But unfortunately, things are just not that simple or cut-and-dried.

On first glance, it seems that facts are ... well, factual— real, sensory-based and therefore uncontroversial.  While facts seem like a solid things, they are not.  Can you see a fact?  What does a fact look like?  Things are just not that simple.  What we call “facts” are our concepts about things and not the things themselves.  The word “fact” itself is not empirical.  The word fact is a nominalization and a category.  It refers to a category of things that normally we would consider sensory-based of something actually done.  Yet sensory-based facts are, at best, facts at a macro-level.  At worse, sensory-based facts may be illusions altogether.  When you put a stick in water, you will see it as if it were bent and not straight.  But it is not bent.  It only appears that way to your eyes.

Kinds of facts: One fact about a fact (a meta-fact) is that there are many kinds of facts.

Critical Thinking about Facts

Written by L. Michael Hall, Ph.D Posted in L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. on Thursday, 06 January 2022.

From: L. Michael Hall
2021 Neurons #70
October 25, 2021


After writing about Media Ethics (#69) last week and writing about “facts,” I decided that I would do some critical thinking about facts.  As I got into the process, I discovered that it is a lot harder than I suspected.  Like most people, I start from the false premise that a fact is empirical data.  Even the dictionary makes this confusion: “Fact: Information presented as objectively real; something having real, demonstratable existence; a thing that has been done.”  From Latin facere “to do.”

Now facts are funny things.   Not funny as in “ha ha” or in laughing out-loud, but funny in a strange, weird, and amazing way.  They are funny in that we think of them as so real and solid, yet that is just not the case.  Thinking critically about facts, in fact, takes us into a realm where there is a lot of room for wonderment and curiosity.


Written by Mariani Ng Posted in Mariani Ng on Monday, 20 December 2021.

Manusia melakukan pemaknaan setiap waktu dalam hidupnya. Terkesan filosofis? Mari kita ubah saja kata pemaknaan ini menjadi 'memberi arti'.

Kita selalu memberi arti atas setiap hal.
Lampu merah di persimpangan jalan, artinya semua kendaraan wajib berhenti. Lampu hijau artinya kendaraan jalan. Matahari baru terbit berarti sudah pagi, matahari terbenam berarti mulai malam.

Pernahkah kita sadari dari mana kita belajar arti-arti yang kita berikan? Saya yakin kita bahkan tidak pernah meragukannya, karena arti atau pemaknaan tersebut telah diajarkan (kalau tidak mau sebut ditanamkan) sejak kita kecil. Arti-arti tersebut diberikan berdasarkan konsep yang telah disepakati bersama secara umum. Bahkan beda konteks bisa beda arti pula. Warna merah lampu pada persimpangan jalan beda artinya dengan warna merah pada kartu yang dikeluarkan oleh wasit di pertandingan sepakbola. Semakin banyak pengetahuan (dari pengalaman, kata orang, hasil belajar), semakin kaya pula arti yang bisa diberikan. Orang yang sedang berbaju warna merah dibilang 'awas, lg panas emosinya' :-D

Semakin dewasa kita mulai bisa memilah dan memilih arti yang kita berikan. Kita mulai menyaring mana yang benar mana yang salah, bahkan kemudian kita belajar bijak untuk memberi arti. Yang sekarang banyak disebut sebagai pemaknaan.

Kita galau karena makna yang kita berikan.
Kita bermasalah karena kita memaknainya sebagai masalah.
Kita marah besar karena makna yang kita berikan pada kejadian itu.

Semua pernyataan di atas benar adanya. Namun kasihan si kata 'makna' atau 'pemaknaan' ini karena kemudian selalu dianggap sebagai penyebab. Terlebih lagi kemudian secarik kain biru dimaknai sebagai kain putih yang diwarnai biru. Atau ketika ada perilaku yang salah dimaknai bahwa perilakunya benar dengan cara pandang yang berbeda. Lalu kemudian bahas soal sudut pandang manusia yang berbeda-beda, bahas soal setiap orang bebas memberi makna.

Why METAMIND?  read