The Meta Place
Exploring People’s Mind Inner Landscape
We live in two worlds — the outside world of sights, sounds, sensations, smells and tastes and the inside world of ideas, thoughts, memories, imaginations, beliefs, etc. The outside world is given; the inside world is what we make of the outside world. What we see, hear, and feel in the outside world — we bring inside and create the world of mind.
The Meta Place
When we learn to master our meta place, to see it, to enter it, to design it, to transform it, we then become the master of our own fate, our experiences, and the quality of our life.
The Meta Place will give us a window into our mind and the minds of others. As a model it gives us a way to observe the ideas which have taken up residence in our mind and how well they are functioning in enabling us to be effective and productive in achieving our goals. Can you imagine the impact when we can recognise and connecting the landmark in others’ Meta Place? Transformation!!
Who is highly suggested to join this training?
The training will cover
Landmark Recognition
Decognizing the thinking landmarks of the mind.Landmark Connections
Discovering how the landmarks relate to each other.Landmark Transformations
Using your mind for change and transformationFasilitator:

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D
• Executive Director of ISNS
• co-Founder of Neuro-Semantics
• co-Founder of Meta-Coaching System
Michael is a modeler of human excellence and self-actualization. Since 1992 he has focused on modelling “the highest and best in human experiences.” This modelling focus arose first from his studies of NLP and later in his re-discovery of Maslow’s original modelling of self-actualizing men and women.
He is a researcher and developer, coach, trainer and a prolific author in the area of Cognitive Sciences. He has created many cutting-edge concepts in the world of NLP and Neuro-Semantics such as the Meta-States Model, the Matrix Model, the Axes of Change Model, etc. He is the co-founder of the International Society of Neuro-Semantics (ISNS) and the Meta-Coaching Foundation (MCF). To date he has written and published more than 70 books.
Jadwal Training
Friday, 29 November 2024 - Sunday, 01 December 2024
09:00 AM - 18:00 PM
Bali - Indonesia
Pertanyaan yang sering diajukan
Seluruh program sertifikasi internasional di METAMIND, sertifikasinya di akreditasi oleh International Society of Neuro Semantics (ISNS) dan Meta-Coach Foundation (MFC)
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